List of Deadlines

Sep 11 GeneralInterest Meeting
Sep 12 General Interest Meeting
Oct 1 Statement of Interest
Oct. Screen Meetings
Nov 11 Comprehensive Application
Nov 18 Advisory Board Meeting
-Deliberation Period-
Dec 2 Award Decision
Then Award Implementation

Spring 2013 Projects

We have chosen the student initiatives to fund with our Spring 2013 funds.
The Godard library will now have beautiful and convenient recycling bins on each floor.

We also funded speaker Simon Davis-Cohen to inspire and motivate students at Go-Green-on-the-Green. Check out more info about Clark’s biggest green event, hosted by Eco-Reps here:
Simon is co-editor of the online publication

Advisory Board Meeting is TODAY

Today is the big day. The SSF Committee will meet with the Advisory Board to review the comprehensive applications that were submitted by the April 1 deadline. We are reviewing the applications based on a scoring matrix. 

To help everyone understand how we decide who gets funding for their projects, here is the scoring matrix 


Scoring Matrix

Project Name:

Project Member/s:


Required Criteria

Y/N Project was proposed by an undergraduate student with an approved partnership

Y/N This project promotes environmental sustainability on Clark ’s campus. This includes off- campus projects that influence sustainability on campus.

Y/N All necessary written approvals by necessary campus officials were given

Y/N Project funding will not go towards projects already mandated by law or Clark policy directive



1 2 3 4 5 Project has clearly defined, measureable outcome

1 2 3 4 5 Requested information and documentation is supplied

1 2 3 4 5 Timeline is realistic, feasible, and flexible

1 2 3 4 5 Budget is realistic, feasible, and covers all direct and indirect costs

1 2 3 4 5 Project is creative and innovative

1 2 3 4 5 Applicant has a mechanism for tracking, recording, and reporting project accomplishments, milestones, and benefits

1 2 3 4 5 Applicant demonstrated confidence in knowledge of proposal

1 2 3 4 5 Applicant conveyed ability to manage the funding competently

1 2 3 4 5 If the project is long term, is there a means to ensure project is maintained

1 2 3 4 5 Project has a publicity, educational, and outreach component

1 2 3 4 5 Project meets SSF mission statement and criteria requirements

1 2 3 4 5 Project will generate cost savings

1 2 3 4 5 Project has quantifiable sustainability impacts

1 2 3 4 5 Overall benefit to Clark community


TOTAL SCORE: ____/70


We will let you know the results of our meeting after notifying the projects managers! 

Best of luck applicants! 

Be a SSF Committee member!

The Student Sustainability Fund are still looking for Committee members. Applications are due no later than Friday, March 29th.  Be part of the Committee that decides our green future and helps student-led projects happen on campus!  For more information and the application, search visit the Student Sustainability Fund page on

Committee Office Hours

These are times you can come chat with the SSF committee about the grant application.

Rory, location: Student Council Office
Monday: 4-6
Thursday: 5-7

Corinne, location: AC
Wednesday: 1-3

Stella, location: AC
Tuesday: 2-4

Jordan, location: AC
Friday: 1-3

Yelena, location: Jefferson 220 (Geography Main Office)
Tuesday: 3-5
Wednesday: 12-2
Friday: 3-5

Spring 2013 Statement of Interest Projects

These are the ideas that were submitted. Anyone interested in working on any of these projects? The SSF highly endorses collaboration, just email and we will put you in touch with the project leader!

Title: JC Recycling Extension
Leaders: Olivia McGill and Michael Osgood

Title: Library Recycle
Leaders: Chi Le and Yue Sun

Title: Beck House Recycle
Leaders: Alina Michelewicz

Title: Human-Powered Gym
Leaders: Maria Engels and Christie Joyce

Title: Zero Waste Events
Leaders: Alexis Charney

Title: Democracy School with Simon Davis-Cohen
Leaders: Brady Burton

Title: Solar Panels
Leaders: Devra Goldstein, Jake Kailey and Kerry Burke

Title: Ambient Sensors
Leaders: Marco Notarangelo and Jake Kailey

Title: Retrofit for Library Desk Lamps
Leaders: Jake Kailey, Devon Miller and Kerry Burke

Title: Motion Sensors
Leaders: Colin Tan and Jake Kailey

SOI are in, time for some interviews!

Hey there sustainable people!
We are well into Spring semester now and the deadline for the Statement of Interest applications has passed. We received 9 applications total and $22,690 of money requested! The SSF committee has scheduled interviews with each of the applicants to flush out ideas and make sure their comprehensive applications are perfect so we can grant all of the money that they requested. We are also in the process of working with student council to have our budget rollover. This means that money we don’t utilize one academic year will rollover to the next. Last Fall we granted $13,000 for sustainable projects. But this meant we lost $7,000 that could go into funding even bigger projects. Rollover would mean more money for sustainable projects and an even greener Clark! We also want to remind everyone that the SSF committee meeting are open to the public. Come join us in the AC on Mondays at 10am to voice your opinion or just to listen in and see what’s new with the SSF. We would love to see broader involvement at our meetings!

Spring Sustainability Kickoff

We are ready and charged for a sustainable spring semester. Today we are having our kickoff info event at 7pm in Jef222. We will be introducing the projects that received funding last semester, sharing sustainable ideas, helping people fill out the statement of interest application, and eating some snacks! We have $7,000 left in our fund for projects which will reduce our operational impact on Clark and we look forward to hearing what ideas there are to make campus greener.
Some dates to remember:
February 14th: Statement of Interest DUE
April 1st: Comprehensive application DUE
Advisory board meeting to review the applcations: sometime in the middle of April

2012 Accepted Projects

Congratulations to the projects awarded funding from the Fall 2012 fund. Last semester we received 15 statements of interest, 9 comprehensive applications, and finally 5 projects were awarded funding.
Look out for these projects on campus!
Take back the tap- $7000
Thrift store – $1100
Diva cups -$1100
JC recycling – $1700
Composting – $1800

SSF Committee Office Hours

The SSF Board will be holding office hours to assist applicants with their final application.
Here’s when and where you can find the SSF Committee:

Yelena, Wednesday 3-5 Jefferson 220 (Geography Main Office)
Stella, Wednesday 11-1 AC
Jordan, Monday, 3-5 AC
Corinne, Tuesday, 4-6 AC
Rory, Tuesday and Thursday, Student Council Office (in the UC)